These days there is a lot controversial bullshit about carbs, Lets get this straight
CARBS DO NOT MAKE YOU FAT! Yes that’s right CARBS will not make you fat nor will eating them at night. However if you eat an excesses amount of BAD carbs like 🍔🍟🍕🍩🍦🍫🧁🍪 every single day than YES your going to get FAT because you can’t control your bad habits & your overall caloric intake will outweigh the energy your expending during the day (what you put in your mouth vs how much we are burning off). Hate to say it but its true.
Carbs are our body’s preferred fuel (energy). We need energy to help us with day-to-day activities, it's also the first macronutrient your body oxidizes. Not all carbs are created equal and a lot of it is referred to “simple” vs “complex or “Whole”vs“refined”. I personally like to call it “whole"vs“refined” makes more sense.
Whole carbs are unprocessed & contain the fiber & micronutrients naturally occurring in the food, this is what we should aim for with our food choices. While Refined Carbs have been processed & had the natural fiber and other naturally occurring benefits stripped out, then replaced by artificial additives & preservatives, this in general terms is what we want to avoid or limit.
Good Carbs (whole Carbs)
- Vegetables – including Potatoes & sweet potatoes
- Whole fruits
- Legums
- Nuts
- seeds
- Whole grains
Bad Carbs (refined carbs)
- Sugary drinks
- Fruit juices
- Pastries, cookies and cakes
- Ice creams
- Fast food
- Chocolates & lollies
Now you know what’s good & bad I’m not saying you can’t have bad carbs, go for it. However if your on a fat loss journey & wanting to change to a healthier lifestyle than you have to put your bad habits away for a bit & have a fundamental shift in mindset & outlook to get the results we all want.
Ohhhh & I’m not saying I eat healthy & clean all year around because that would be a lie. I very much enjoy my bad carbs, who doesn’t. It’s about a simple balance & moderation, this is important as many extreme views, beliefs & practices connected to health & specifically nutrition can develop terrible relationships with food, self-esteem issues & mental health problems down the track.
Now here is me at the Italian festival eating a bowl of Rav’s! DELISH!