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Writer's pictureRachel

Weight loss Vs. Fat loss

Do you know the difference between to two? It’s ok if you don’t, most of us don’t. So I’m going to explain it, and my take on it.

A lot of ladies want to lose weight, so my Question to you is; would you like to lose weight or fat?

If you have answered weight, than your wrong, or more so misguided and misinformed. What you really want to do is lose fat from your overall body mass. So…what’s the difference? Well KEEP READING, get informed, get the guidance and knowledge to understand and empower yourself to take action, but the correct action, the correct way of thinking and the correct methods to achieve just that SUSTAINABLE FAT LOSS!

Anybody can prescribe a “diet” to lose weight, if you’re after a weight loss program its really simple you JUST DON’T EAT. Essentially you’ll be starving your body with crash ultra low calorie diets, unnecessary fasting for hours a day and any new fad diet that pops up on social media or morning TV. This WILL, not might, WILL cause a loss of muscle, fat, decreased fitness and strength, poor performance, early aging, reduced immunity, hormonal changes and imbalances, mental and emotional fatigue and stress, and impaired ESSENTIAL bodily functions. There is nothing appealing about that list at all and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

What you really want to think about is FAT LOSS. A successful fat loss program is to preserve as much muscle mass as possible or possibly even gain some while at the same time losing as much fat as possible. Sounds confusing but trust me once you get it, you’ll love your whole fitness journey, yes it might take longer but its definitely worth it, this is body Recomposition and this is what we should all be focused on, it is literally changing the ratios of what you body is made up of, dropping the percentage of unwanted, unhealthy fat and increasing or at least maintaining muscle.

Now…at MIC this is exactly what we do, we focus on losing as much fat and gaining as much muscle as possible during a 8 Week program, you can see the results from our past challenges with Jess from Bear it bodies providing all my ladies before and after scans and the results that we got was them gaining up to 1kg+ of muscle, while dropping A LOT of body fat, This why my ladies look nourished at the end of the 8 weeks not malnourished and borderline sick. This is AMAZING for them and of course me too. It has to be said though, 8 weeks is a short time in a long journey, so the program MUST be followed, both the nutritional plan and training has to be attacked with 100% commitment. It may be fashionable to say but so and so lost more weight in their challenge, but this is always followed by rebound weight, and huge issues keeping weight off after everything is finished, it is a quick cash grab which unfortunately is a plague within the fitness industry.

If you have just started following you may have noticed I absolutely love FOOD! “FOOD IS FUEL” so a good nutritional plan and sustainable, smart choices are absolutely paramount to your success. It all this comes down to “how you’re refueling your body”. If you can get this right from the start, your Fitness journey will run a lot smoother! It might take a little more time but its so much better than a quick fix weight loss program, especially for ladies with our hormones playing such a huge role in your fat loss journey.

So Ladies what I’m trying to say is to think “FAT LOSS” not weight loss! Review what you’re doing and find someone who is passionate enough to educate you with both health and fitness, not a quick fix, You’ll just blow out again and again, repeating the same process over and over expecting different results but getting disheartened and frustrated, eventually giving up on a healthy lifestyle change.

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